Strengthening the
Eastern Shore’s
energy grid.

Jupiter Power is proposing to build and operate the Scout Energy Storage Facility, an 80-megawatt battery energy storage system in Wattsville, Virginia. The proposed facility will connect to the existing 69kV electric substation located north of Chincoteague Road and will play an important role in strengthening the local power grid.

Map of future Scout Storage location
Photo above: The proposed facility sits on a 12-acre parcel south of Chincoteague Road in Wattsville.

Project Location

The Scout Storage will be located on three acres within the 12-acre property southwest of the intersection of Chincoteague Road and Fleming Road in Wattsville, Virginia. The facility will connect to the existing electric substation across the road from the project parcel.

Why battery storage?

  • Emergency support: Batteries are an excellent way to store energy for use in times of need. Batteries help reduce the risk of supply or demand-related outages.
  • Energy demand: Morning and evening hours are typically when the largest amount of energy is needed from the grid. During these times, we can pull energy from batteries to meet the high demand and reduce strain on the local energy infrastructure.
  • Maintain stability and power quality: Supply and demand of energy fluctuate throughout the day and do not always line up. This can be a problem because homes and businesses need reliable energy, and the grid must maintain the proper voltage and frequency. Batteries help even out the fluctuation of energy on the grid, providing consistent and stable electricity, 24/7.
battery modules inside a container at one of Jupiter Power’s projects in Texas.
Photo above: battery modules inside a container at one of Jupiter Power’s projects in Texas.
construction personnel finalize commissioning at a Jupiter battery site.
Photo above: jupiter power storage site facility in west texas

Community Benefits

The Scout Energy Storage Facility will benefit Accomack County residents and businesses by improving the power grid, aligning with the county’s Comprehensive Plan, and supporting the local economy. Major benefits include:
  • Improved reliability, efficiency, and resiliency of the regional power grid without an increase in electricity bills.
  • More than $5.2 million in tax revenue to Accomack County over 25 years.
  • As currently planned, the 80MW facility would represent an estimated $45 million privately funded investment in Accomack County’s energy infrastructure.

Project Schedule

Construction is expected to begin as soon as the Spring of 2023.

Stay tuned for additional updates.
Construction personnel check system performance during commissioning
Photo above: construction personnel finalize commissioning at a Jupiter battery site.